“This Ain’t That: An Erotic Novel” follows protagonist Cleo Stinson on her life journey as she tries to secure the future she thinks she wants with a husband and children, balancing
relationships with work colleagues, bestie Shelby James, family, and others, all while navigating Indianapolis’s dating scene. That is until she finds herself falling for a colleague who just so happens to be a woman…who is married with children. Will she stay on her original journey, or will she open up to the unknown world of same-gender-loving?
“I really enjoyed reading this stimulating adult story. The author made it very easy to read and visualize what was happening in the character Cleo's life. Her selection of the characters names was very refreshing and unique, specifically some of the female characters names, like Shelby Sasha and others. Some of the music, restaurants and events that took place in the story made it very relatable and brought back some very good memories for me. I look forward to seeing where the author will take us in the next segment of this very entertaining journey."
“I really liked how the author drew you in with attention to detail with the characters. I also liked Cleo's journey to discovering her true self."